Devín Castle is open from 10:00 to 17:00, last admission at 16:15.


Devín Castle is open from 10:00 to 16:00, last admission at 15:15.

Accessibility for disadvantaged groups

We would like to have the Devín Castle accessible for as broad of an audience as possible, so the site is offering:

  • wheelchair accessibility and movement around the site of the Lower and Upper Castles enabled for blind and partially sighted people using adequately signed roads*,
  • from 1 August 2023, the information/guidance system (IGS) with information in Braille,
  • a book guide to the site in Braille containing information from each information board as well as selected relief displays.

*Please, keep in mind that several parts of the castle site contain significantly ascending/descending sections that do not comply with the wheelchair accessible standards.

Visit us

Plan a trip to one of the most important national cultural monuments in Slovakia. In addition to its historical and natural riches, Devín Castle also offers an exposition with rare archaeological findings and events for the whole family. Get to know the castle and its surroundings, which definitely has a lot to offer.

Visit us

Plan a trip to one of the most important national cultural monuments in Slovakia. In addition to its historical and natural riches, Devín Castle also offers an exposition with rare archaeological findings and events for the whole family. Get to know the castle and its surroundings, which definitely has a lot to offer.