Devín Castle is open from 10:00 to 17:00, last admission at 16:15.


Devín Castle is open from 10:00 to 16:00, last admission at 15:15.

Visitor guidelines


The Visitor Rules of the Bratislava City Museum (BCM) apply to the visitors of the Devín Castle who shall get acquainted therewith and follow the provisions thereof. By buying their tickets, visitors accept the Visitor Rules and the provisions thereof become binding for the visitors.

Entry to the castle site

  • Before entering the castle site, visitors shall buy their tickets to be produced at the request of the BCM staff anytime during the whole visit.
  • Visitors may enter the site with a valid ticket only or they shall produce at the ticket office a free ticket or a document allowing issuance of a zero-value ticket.
  • The tickets are valid for a single entry to the site. Misusing a ticket (such as another entry to the site for another person and so on) is considered illegal.
  • The ticket office will close at the time of the last entry to the site.

Operating instructions for visitors

  • Visitors shall follow instructions of the BCM staff.
  • Children less than 10 years of age may only enter the site accompanied with their parents or another adult older than 18 who are fully responsible for the children’s behaviour.
  • Regarding the entries of school groups or groups organized in another way, responsibility for the group of visitors shall be borne by the pedagogue or group leader.
  • Visitors shall not enter of the castle site and exhibition and exposition premises of the Museum with large bags, backpacks, and other oversize items; these shall be put away at the entrance.
  • During the tour, visitors shall behave so as not to endanger not only their own health but also the health of other visitors and BCM staff.
  • The visitor whose behaviour results in any damage shall compensate BCM for such damage to its full extent.
  • Photographs and video records of the Devín castle site and its interior and exterior may only be used for commercial purposes with a previous written consent of the BCM management and in compliance with the price list.
  • BCM and its staff shall not be held liable for any injury or accident occurred due to carelessness of a visitor or breaching the present Visitor Rules.
  • At the castle site, it is prohibited to:
    • smoke, handle open fire;
    • damage and deteriorate in any manner architecture, buildings and their equipment, and collection items;
    • touch the freely exhibited exhibits, collection items, and showcases. This instruction does not apply to the so-called touch exhibitions where the visitors are notified by the responsible BCM staff in advance.
    • bring and use alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances;
    • bring weapons, pyrotechnics, and other items that could endanger lives and health of persons or cause damage to the property of the Museum or other persons;
    • enter the site under the influence of alcohol or other drugs and psychotropic substances or in a heavily contaminated clothing;
    • disturb other visitors by inappropriate and noisy behaviour or limit them in any other manner;
    • enter the site with a dog or any other pet except for guide dogs accompanying blind visitors;
    • enter the site on in-lines, scooters, and bicycles;
    • pull out the plants, throw stones, and climb the walls;
    • enter the premises which are not intended for public use.
  • All visitors of the site as well as visitors of any event organized in the castle site are strictly prohibited to act in terms of and express extremism, racism, intolerance, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and aggressive nationalism as well as banned from any written, verbal, graphic, audio or audiovisual public demonstrations instigating, spreading, propagating, and advocating hatred for individuals or groups of people due to their sex, nationality, language, religious, race, ethnic origin, skin colour, origin, sexual orientation, handicap or any other similar characteristic.
  • Visitors are allowed to make photographs, audio, and/or video records at the Devín castle site in compliance with the provisions of protection of personhood under Section 11 and the followings of Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended. If visitors make photographs, audio, and/or video records in the position of data controller or data processor, such photographs, audio, and/or video records may only be obtained and processed under the conditions set forth by Regulation No. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) and Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection and amending and supplementing certain Acts.
  • It is prohibited to use drone imaging in the whole Devín castle site except for as permitted by the BCM management in compliance with the generally binding regulations in the field of use and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Breaching the Visitor Rules Expulsion from the site

  • A responsible employee of BCM is authorized to notify visitors of breaching the Visitor Rules.
  • The person or group of persons who breach the provisions of the Visitor Rules or who do not obey instructions of a responsible employee of BCM despite his/her warning can be expelled from the site with no admission refund. With regard to the nature of the offence, the BCM staff may ask the police for assistance.
  • The persons whose presence could justifiably mean breaking the law or breaching safety or whose behaviour is at variance with the social norms of behaviour or with good manners may be banned from entering the castle site.
  • The entry ban and potential expulsion from the site also apply to the persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs or psychotropic substances or to the persons breaching the site Visitor Rules or safety of other visitors.

The full version of the Visitor Rules can be found on

Visit us

Plan a trip to one of the most important national cultural monuments in Slovakia. In addition to its historical and natural riches, Devín Castle also offers an exposition with rare archaeological findings and events for the whole family. Get to know the castle and its surroundings, which definitely has a lot to offer.

Visit us

Plan a trip to one of the most important national cultural monuments in Slovakia. In addition to its historical and natural riches, Devín Castle also offers an exposition with rare archaeological findings and events for the whole family. Get to know the castle and its surroundings, which definitely has a lot to offer.