Hrad Devín je otvorený od 10:00 do 16:00, posledný vstup o 15:15. Viac informácií.


Hrade Devín je otvorený od 10:00 do 16:00, posledný vstup o 15:15. Viac informácií.

Latest Past Udalosti


Hrad Devín Muránska 10, Bratislava

Visitors at Devín Castle will have the chance to relax and stretch their bodies, calm their minds, and quiet the constant flow of thoughts, impressions, and judgments through a brief meditation. At Devín Castle, you can witness the sun move over the horizon, deepen your breaths, and reconnect with your entire body—all against the backdrop […]


Joga pri západe slnka

Hrad Devín Muránska 10, Bratislava

Zrelaxujte svoje telo v pohybe, v príjemnom natiahnutí. Uvoľnite svoju myseľ, neustále prúdenie myšlienok, dojmov a úsudkov cez príjemný flow a krátku meditáciu. Na hrade Devín spoločne vyprevadíme slnko za obzor, prehĺbime nádych a výdych, precítime celé telo. Tešíme sa na vás pri západe slnka. Partnerom podujatia je Yoga House Bratislava. Nezabudnite si priniesť vlastnú […]


Hrad Devín Muránska 10, Bratislava

Sold out. Thank you for your understanding. Visitors at Devín Castle will have the chance to relax and stretch their bodies, calm their minds, and quiet the constant flow of thoughts, impressions, and judgments through a brief meditation. At Devín Castle, you can witness the sun move over the horizon, deepen your breaths, and reconnect […]
