Pozorovali ste už niekedy vesmír profesionálnym teleskopom?
O tento zážitok sa v piatok 7. marca o 18.30 h v exteriéroch hradu Devín postará Múzeum mesta Bratislavy v spolupráci s profesionálmi zo Slovenského zväzu astronómov. Za ich výkladu a asistencie budú mať návštevníci/čky možnosť pozorovať nočnú oblohu a namieriť teleskop na vesmírne telesá, napríklad Jupiter, Mars, Mesiac, dvojhviezdy, ako i objekty hlbokého vesmíru – galaxie či hmloviny. Brány sa pre návštevníkov otvoria o 18.30 h a pozorovanie s odborným výkladom sa začne o 19.00 h.
Na podujatie si treba priniesť vlastné svietidlo, baterku alebo čelovku s funkciou červeného svetla.
Doplňujúce informácie a odporúčania:
V prípade nepriaznivej meteorologickej situácie je zmena termínu vyhradená.
Pre aktuálne informácie sledujte webstránky a alebo sociálne siete MMB.
Vstupné: základné vstupné 8 €
Vstupenky v predaji na pokladni Hradu Devín.
Podujatie je organizované v spolupráci so Slovenským zväzom astronómov.
Have you ever looked at space with a professional telescope?
The Bratislava City Museum in cooperation with professionals from the Slovak Association of Astronomers will take care of this experience on Friday, 7 March at 6.30 p.m. in the exteriors of Devín Castle. With their interpretation and assistance, visitors will have the opportunity to observe the night sky and point a telescope at celestial objects such as Jupiter, Mars, the Moon, binary stars, as well as deep space objects – galaxies and nebulae. The gates will open to visitors at 6.30 p.m. and the observing with expert commentary will start at 7 p.m.
Bring your own torch, flashlight, or headlamp with a red light function to the event.
Additional information and recommendations:
Warm clothing and footwear are recommended. The event will take place in the exterior of Devín Castle; during the winter months and after dark, the temperature may feel low.
For the best viewing experience, only red light should be used throughout the event, as it will not interfere with the eye’s adjustment to darkness. After illuminating the eye with the white light of a flashlight or cell phone display, it takes at least 20 minutes for the eye to re-adapt to the dark.
If you do not get a flashlight with a red light, wrap a regular flashlight with red cellophane, red foil, or red cloth.
Subject to change in the event of inclement weather.
For up-to-date information, follow the websites and or the BCM socials.
Admission: basic admission 8 €
Tickets are on sale at the Devín Castle ticket office.