On 23 October 2008 during her state call in the Slovak Republic, Elisabeth II, the Queen of the United Kingdom, unveiled the Iron Curtain Casualties Memorial under the Devín Castle at the place where the Iron Curtain used to stand. Construction of the Memorial was...
The state border under Devín was copying dramatic development in the past centuries. The Morava River represented the border between Austria and Hungary in the period of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy until the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic. At those...
Animals distinguish between particular kinds and species of plants both visually and upon their taste and they can distinguish whether a plant is young – juicy, full of required nutrients, and easily digestible – or it is old, with lower content of nutrients, and less...
A tractor mower would mow the whole area at once. However, that is end of the biota of the grass. Maintenance of the biotope provided by animals varies both in the space and time; they do not graze everything at once, they create a mosaic. Some parts of meadows end...
Clouded apollo is a butterfly species which prefers grazed bright forests. If the edge of a forest is grazed by animals, it is kept open without thorny bushes and branches of the trees start in the height where animals could not reach them anymore. When there is no...