Hrade Devín je otvorený od 10:00 do 16:00, posledný vstup o 15:15.
Hrad Devín je dnes kvôli nepriaznivému počasiu a bezpečnosti návštevníčok a návštevníkov pre verejnosť uzatvorený. O opätovnom otvorení budeme včas informovať. Za pochopenie ďakujeme.
Hrade Devín je otvorený od 10:00 do 16:00, posledný vstup o 15:15.
Despite its relatively small area (circa 500 x 280 metres), the Devín Castle hill has surprisingly rich geological composition demonstrated in a variety of stones used by the constructors in various periods for building the walls and defence, residential, and farm...
How could the oldest part of the medieval Devín Castle – the residential tower built on the top of the rock cliff above the confluence of the Danube and Morava rivers – look like? The comprehensive construction-historical as well as the archaeological research on the...
An interesting story is behind the skeletal findings uncovered in Devín by the archaeologist Inocent Ladislav Červinka in 1991 and 1992. A church cemetery from the 10th to 13th century was discovered there. The deceased were laying tightly next to one another with...
Foundations of the Great Moravian Church of the 9th century belonged to the unique findings in Devín. Three arches – apses – are connected to the main nave which is divided by three partition walls onto other premises – hallway, sanctuary, and one more area almost...