Hrade Devín je otvorený od 10:00 do 16:00, posledný vstup o 15:15.
Hrad Devín je dnes kvôli nepriaznivému počasiu a bezpečnosti návštevníčok a návštevníkov pre verejnosť uzatvorený. O opätovnom otvorení budeme včas informovať. Za pochopenie ďakujeme.
Hrade Devín je otvorený od 10:00 do 16:00, posledný vstup o 15:15.
Bratislava, 13th September 2023: The extensive project of the Devín Castle renovation titled Culture Across – Cultural Bridges across the River of Morava started by Bratislava City Museum (BCM) in 2021 has been successfully completed. There were several activities...
Bratislava, 17th August 2023: Based on reviews of Google Maps users, the Devín Castle administered by the Bratislava City Museum became a top castle or palace in the region of Bratislava. Milan Zálešák, the Devín Castle Manager, received the Golden Pin – After the...
Bratislava, 23rd January 2023: In the last year, the Bratislava City Museum started an extensive project of the Devín Castle renovation performed within the cross-border project Culture Across – Cultural Bridges through the Morava River. Most of the works relating to...
Bratislava, 24th September 2021: The Bratislava City Museum in cooperation with the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava announced an open call for architects and designers to propose solutions for the visitor infrastructure in the Devín Castle site. The aim is to...